Get Mark it with an s's Tried and True, practiced scripts to Advocate for your family Without Pain, frustration, or struggle!
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You are a mom of a young child or children. They are suffering. Maybe you know what the feeding issue is and you have gotten a diagnosis, but maybe you are still in the trenches, trying to figure out what is wrong, and who to talk to. You feel anxious, and you just want your child to feel better.
You also didn’t expect that an even harder part of navigating this feeding issue and just trying to figure out what was wrong with your kiddo, was not only finding the right provider to get a diagnosis but also to be getting people to hear you. To listen to you, and take your concerns seriously.
This happened to me both in the medical field, and in my own home and inner circle. Well-meaning friends and family said super hurtful things, and made me feel completely unsupported.
Not only did it make it difficult to figure out who I should talk to, and who I could trust, but also if there was something wrong with me.
Where was the village? Why, when I am feeling like I am in my darkest hours, is it even harder to get help?
It all felt like too much. I was reaching out for help, and instead, got more work put on my shoulders.
Eight years and three kids later, I have found my groove and persevered. Through trial and error, I have been able to build my own village, have learned to advocate for myself and my kiddos, and have a deep understanding of the pain, stress, and loneliness that comes with gaining a diagnosis and supporting your kiddo through feeding and breathing issues.
Now, I want you to have what I did not have, and learn to navigate these tough conversations with everyone you encounter. Whether it be medical providers, family and friends (yes even your spouse), and the school systems/care providers, we are here for you.
I am just a regular mom of three amazing kiddos, who has been through the ringer when it comes to breathing and feeding issues. And, to be a #momboss with three kiddos with feeding and breathing issues, I truly believe that you need to have superpowers.
I have a professional background in marketing, so I am choosing to use these two superpowers - master marketer + mamabear #momboss, to share the wealth and knowledge that I have learned along the way with other families so we can all THRIVE.
Building this community, one mama at a time.
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